
Reception AI Dragons

Reception AI Dragons


Reception children used an AI programme on Adobe Express to create their own dragons. Read more...

Developing gross motor skills.

Developing gross motor skills.


Nursery children enjoyed whizzing around on the balance bikes and scooters, developing their gross motor skills. Read more...

Class 1 Dragon artwork

Class 1 Dragon artwork


Expressive Arts have been led my the children's interest in dragons. Excellent fine motor skills cutting and brilliant fire breathing paint blowing.  Read more...

Dosbarth 3 Humanities

Dosbarth 3 Humanities


Class 3 are using their map skills to produce maps of Wales. Read more...

Shine Drama Workshop

Shine Drama Workshop


What an amazing day! Thanks to Jo from @shine_drama. Expressive Arts 'hook' workshop for our new topic 'Tales from Wales' Acting out the Legends of the Red Dragon, Santes Dwywen and Cantre'r Gwaelod #curriculumforwales Read more...

Nursery letter formation

Nursery letter formation


Our fantastic nursery children trying really hard with their letter formation!  Read more...